
Your Trusted Agency

Surprisingly Great Rates

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour,

  • Business is the Best Plan
  • How to Improve Business
  • Services We Provide

Year’s Experience

Digital Agency

Financial Services

We're Trusted by Our 25k+ Professional Customer


Happy Customer


Total Employees


Lines Of Code


Cups Of Coffee

Not sure What you Need?

Which types of Multipurpos Business match with your business.

We have a Expert Team to Support our Clients

We Have a Great History to Start our Company.


Established Themexriver

Denouncing pleasure andpraising Pain was born and I give youwork complete all account of the


Registered as Company

Denouncing pleasure andpraising Pain was born and I give youwork complete all account of the


Launch a New Branch

Denouncing pleasure andpraising Pain was born and I give youwork complete all account of the


Awards Win

Denouncing pleasure andpraising Pain was born and I give youwork complete all account of the

Your Trusted Agency

client,s testimonial about Marketing Agency

Wij gaan stoppen met de locatie Nieuwegein

Tot 1 september kunnen er afspraken ingepland worden in Nieuwegein. Vanaf deze datum gaan wij enkel nog door in Veldhoven. Ben je eerder in Nieuwegein geweest voor een behandeling? Dan word je voor een volgende afspraak overgenomen door onze behandelaren in Veldhoven. Door de toevoeging van drie uitstekende behandelaren aan ons team zullen de wachttijden niet langer worden.

Je kunt bij ons in Veldhoven terecht voor;
– Nieuwe behandeling
– Tweede behandeling
– Shen Men (enkel ter aanvulling op de ‘daith’ piercing)
– Controle / nazorg
– Wissel van sieraden

Mochten er vragen over zijn, dan mag je ons even bellen of mailen.

Team NVS